Friday, March 23, 2007

A new challenging project

I stopped at my LYS yesterday on my way home to get some ideas for a birthday gift to make for my mom. I turned a corner in there and saw a finished sample of the China Girl Jacket by Minnowknits. I almost died. My daughter who is 3 is from China. This jacket would be JUST TOO CUTE on her. Here is a link:

I bought the Manos cotton yarn and the pattern. It will be the first garment that I attempt. I'm a little nervous, especially because I don't sew. But my LYS is wonderful, and they assured me that they would help me with the seaming and picking up stiches for the collar. I am really excited about this one! I hope it comes out half as cute when I make it. My daughter's will be the practice piece... then I am going to make a second one for my best friend's daughter... that one has to be GOOD! :-)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

OK - you will do fine with that. It will be so cute - I can't wait to see it!!