Thursday, February 21, 2008

I'm a bad blogger

It has been a long time since I have blogged. I have been knitting, but I simply haven't had any blog-inspiration. I suppose I could blog and tell my reader(s) the mundane, boring facts of my day-to-day life, but I will spare you that sublime torture! Do you really care what time I woke up and/or what order I brushed my teeth and drank coffee in? Didn't think so. :-)

I am currently working on a couple of pairs of socks, still forging ahead on my son's blanket, and I am working on a Glee sweater. I'm doing Glee in Classic Elite Wool Bam Boo. It is amazing. I haven't quite gotten to the portion where you move the sleeves off to scrap yarn and start knitting in the round, but I'm getting close. The yarn is perfect for this sweater. It has great drape and sheen and will be perfect for Houston Spring! Now to make more headway on it.

We are supposed to have all hell break loose with severe weather this afternoon. Typical Houston! Before the skies open up, I managed to have a fun lunch with two dear, special friends. One of them, Purl, is an attorney who has been knitting for years. The other, JS, is an attorney who I worked with for many years. We have both long since moved on from the firm where we worked together, and we each have a client involved in a lot of benzene (toxic tort) litigation. That has given us a chance to entertain each other through endless hours of depositions, travel to BFE Texas for hearings and whatnot. In the course of that, JS has begun knitting. What can I say? It's catchy! I wanted Purl and JS to meet, so we got together today. I'm sure there will be more get togethers and lots of trouble in our future!

I will post pictures of WIP's soon. I promise!

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