Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Nothing new

This morning a friend of mine asked me if I had been knitting. She said she had been checking my blog and hadn't seen any new posts for a couple of weeks. Oops. Sorry!!! I have been knitting a little, but nothing much new or exciting to report. I have gotten a little further on my son's blanket, but that is really about it. His blanket is based on a pattern from Knit Simple magazine. Here's a picture from the magazine of the blanket-
It is done in seed stitch, with cotton yarn. I'm using different colors of his choosing (blues, red, orange...) It is going to take a very long time to finish. Good thing I'm making it big... he's 9 now, but might be 19 by the time it's done!
In other news, my SP10 spoilee had to drop out of the exchange. I'm very sad. I understand entirely, as she is facing some difficult family issues. But I was having so much fun putting together things for her. Selfish, I know.
You know, it's amazing the power that yarn has over me. I feel really, really crummy. I've been congested and coughing like a fool for weeks, so much so that my ribs feel like they are broken. At lunch today, I went to a yarn shop by my office. I wondered around, played with the yarns, looked at some patterns, talked to the shop owner and came out so much happier than when I went in!!! It truly is like being a kid in a candy sotre. "I want some!" is all I can think. :-)

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